Why a forensic expert should study a research postgraduate for the best preparation of his forensic expert opinion

  • Wael Sarwat Hikal Carreón y Rubí Sánchez Noriega Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


The preparation of an opinion turns out to be a complex and extremely responsible task. The
optimization in the preparation of an appropriate expert opinion focuses on research, being a
specialist in an area does not determine the success of the content. The social commitment that the
expert faces before the justice system and its courts is the expertise itself that lies in the diversity of
fields of knowledge that give off a legal-forensic link. To this, the regulations indicate the requirements
for submitting a forensic examination, whose objective is to provide the administration of justice
with certainty in the issuance of an expert opinion. The similarities between an expert report and a
postgraduate thesis, their structure and description of each element are mentioned. Thus, studying
a postgraduate degree in research, will provide the student with the ideal tools for a complete and
improvement in the preparation of documents that demand research, therefore, the thesis is the
result of training in a process of knowing how to investigate and develop skills for the identification
of a problem that requires attention. The advantage itself is the total dedication to learn about
argumentation, methodology and exposition, pillar issues in the development of a postgraduate
and expert opinion.
Keywords: document; empirical research; justice; methodology; problem-focused research
